Sunday 18 September 2011

WARRIOR - Review

When I posted my top 10 films left for 2011 I didn't count WARRIOR in with a chance. Although its got a good cast, I dismissed it as yet another fighting movie where everyone is searching for glory. That coupled with a blood and guts trailer that looked a bit too violent for my liking and the film didn't even cross my mind as a "must see" for the remainder of the year.

I stand corrected. I've seen somewhere around 80 films this year and WARRIOR is by far the best one of the lot. So I'm going to make it the top 11 of 2011 and include WARRIOR in the count.

This film follows the story of estranged brothers Tommy (Tom Hardy) and Brendan (Joel Edgerton) who are both in training for the same mixed martial arts championship with a 5 million dollar purse. Tommy, an ex-marine is fighting for the money so he can help the family of a fallen comrade, and Brendan is about to lose his house and still has to pay off his little girl's medical bills.

Tommy seeks the tutelage of their estranged ex-alcoholic father who he hasn't seen nor spoken to since he and his mother left when he was still a kid. Brendan asks an old friend who is training another fighter for the bout to help him out. Both boys are underdogs of sorts and both boys have a aptitude for beating the crap out of other guys. Tommy is unorthodox, landing one or two heavy blows, then pounding on the opponent to make sure he doesn't get up then he just up and leaves the cage. Brendan knows he's the underdog, takes quite a hammering and when the other guy is tired out and unsuspecting comes out on top by any means possible.

You'll know the outcome of the tournament if you watch the trailer, so that will come as no surprise, and you will also know from the trailer that this is no-holds-barred fighting so it's going to be vicious, but what this film lacks in tact it makes up for in heart.

The last hour of the film is visually nothing more than big sweaty mean beating each other up, but if you can stand the violence (and I highly recommend that you find a way to) you will get to the bottom of a very heartfelt and complicated family drama.

Hardy and Edgerton give magical performances, making you love and hate them, and really hoping that they will find a way to forgive each other and themselves. These boys really show what they are made of in this film and I am looking forward to wha the future holds for the pair of them. Special mention must be give to Nolte as his was a standout performance, which I have no doubt will land him a nomination for supporting actor in the 2012 Academy Awards.

Now the film opened quite softly in the States, but is continuing to draw crowds and I believe it will continue to do so as word spreads on how good it really is. This film is opening next month in Australia and I seriously urge you to go out and pay the $17 to go and see it. It is definitely worth it.

I'm giving WARRIOR 4.5 out of 5.

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