Wednesday 7 September 2011

84th Academy Blunder

I had heard rumors that the Academy had approached Eddie Murphy to host the 84th Academy Awards and I was quietly thinking to myself that there was no way the upper echelons at the Academy would allow that to happen.

It appears I was sadly mistaken. Today Deadline has confirmed that Eddie Murphy has agreed to host the 2012 Oscars, which also confirms that there must be a few people within the Academy that have more than a few screws loose! Either that or they're having a competition to see who can come up with the worst ideas ever and make them happen!

2012 might be the first year that I don't bother watching the telecast and just google the results. Firstly Murphy hasn't starred in anything decent since BOWFINGER in 99. He doesn't bother to give quality comic performances anymore and they might as well use a cardboard cut out of him in the trashy "family" comedies he does do. Pretty much the only upside to this bogus decision is that we get to see whether Murphy can still do stand-up in front of a big crowd close on 24 years since he did RAW.

Good work Academy. You might get a record for the lowest viewer rating next year as I know I'm not the only one who's boycotting the telecast!

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