Sunday 4 September 2011

Cameron Crowe on a roll!

It's been a good five years since we've seen anything from Crowe and not only does he have one film coming out, he's got three and another one in the works! Talk about on a roll!!

This year he's got WE BOUGHT A ZOO (releasing in Australia Boxing Day), THE UNION and PEARLY JAM TWENTY (both documentaries) coming out, and he's already working on his next film. He says this new film is inspired by the children he saw audition for WE BOUGHT A ZOO and has been working on the script in between working on WE BOUGHT A ZOO and PEARL JAME TWENTY.

Here's a little a quote from the interview in which he revealed this little nugget;

"This woman that I work with, Gail Levin, is a great casting director. She's always finding new faces. The kids she found for WE BOUGHT A ZOO are so exciting. We met with all these actors, and they would leave the room and it was a situation where I would turn to Gail and say 'They're not right for this one, but I want to write something where we can work with that person." That was the genisis for writing a whole new script which I've been working on while we're doing WE BOUGHT A ZOO and finishing this Pearl Jam movie".

Crowe is the man behind one of my favourite films (ALMOST FAMOUS) it's good to see him coming back with a vengance after the more than disappointing ELIZABETHTOWN in 2005. Hopefully all of the films that he's working on are back to his old awesomeness and this huge workload doesn't result in poor productions.

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