Thursday 18 August 2011

Refund Please!!

Don't like the movie you just saw? Well hopefully you run into the leading actor tell him you don't like it and get your money back...sounds unrealistic I know, but it's a true story!

Tom Hanks was just pumping gas minding his own business when an excited couple stopped to talk to him. The couple mentioned they had recently seen LARRY CROWNE (which Tom co-wrote, directed and starred in) and Tom asked them what they thought...Rookie error Tom. Rookie error.

They let him know they have come to expect more from their favourite star with the husband quoted as saying "it wasn't that good." Ouch. Although I've only seen the trailer and I could have told that couple before they went to see it that it wasn't going to be that good!

Tom was quoted by the National Enquirer as saying "Gee, I'm sorry you were disappointed, how about letting me refund your ticket money?" Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out $25 which wouldn't cover two ticket here, but adequately covers it based on US prices. Apparently the wife wasn't too keen on taking the money, but the hubby sure was! Lucky Tom is one of the top earning actors around at the moment!

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