Saturday 27 August 2011


What an interesting premise. An alien movie set in the past rather than the present or the future, sadly the trailer did not instill in me the excitement that it seemed to in many others. I did give it the benefit of the doubt and take the time to watch it with some friends last night and whilst it wasn't a complete waste of time I could very well have gone my whole life having never watched it and be ok.

A stranger turns up in the desert with some weird thing on his wrist, immediately pisses off the wealthiest man in town (Harrison Ford), gets the attention of the gorgeous girl (Olivia Wilde), turns out to be a wanted criminal and then just as they're about to ship him off to Santa Fe, aliens turn up and he blows them up with his weird wrist gun/blaster/thing. The rest of the movie is pretty much just follows them through the desert to find the aliens and try get their abducted people back. I won't tell you anything else because there is one or two interesting twists involved and you might have an interest in seeing it and I don't want to be the spoiler!

When you hear the title COWBOYS AND ALIENS you might think spoof comedy, however this film is far from a spoof comedy. It's a dark and serious action story with a bit of camaraderie and love thrown in. Daniel Craig does a fairly decent job of pulling off a pair of chaps, but his silent, broody, memory-less character did nothing for me, Olivia Wilde was just in there to put a beautiful woman in the mix and I'm pretty sure the grumpy old man character was not that much of a stretch for Harrison Ford.

The CGI wasn't that good, the big action scene was poorly done, the script was so tacky and full of cliches and the story itself had a lot of promise, but didn't really make it. That being said it wasn't completely unwatchable and whilst we did all think it was a pretty rubbish film none of us walked out. It was an easy film to watch and despite its many flaws was entertaining (even if it was out of sheer ridiculousness, which I'm sure was not the intention).

As far as a graphic novel/comic book adaptation goes COWBOYS AND ALIENS is not the blockbuster that it tries so hard to be. 2 out of 5.

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