Tuesday 30 August 2011

PUNCTURE - trailer

Hello Chris Evans...

We recently saw him all buffed up and goody-two-shoes as Captain America and now we get to see him all grunged up as a drug addicted lawyer in the upcoming release PUNCTURE.

Dirty, dirty, dirty.

I was just trawling this morning for good gossip to share with you whilst waiting for some files so I can get to work, when I stumbled across some more news regarding the DIRTY DANCING remake. 

Deadline  is reporting that MONTE CARLO screen writer Maria Maggenti will take control of the script to the remake. As you may well know the original centers around the Baby (a privileged teen spending the summer with her family at a holiday camp) and Johnny (a broody, dance instructor from the wrong side of the tracks) and the love that develops between them when baby helps Johnny with a floor-show. 

I'm not sure what direction Maggenti is going to take with the remake, but after seeing the trailer for MONTE CARLO I'm pretty sure it's not going to be a good one! See for yourself. 

Monday 29 August 2011

THE RUM DIARY - trailer

I don't care what the film is if it has Johnny Depp in it...in fact I saw THE TOURIST twice just because he was in it. But when you couple Johnny Depp with a screenplay based on Hunter. S Thompson's novel you've really got me excited!!

Also starring Aaron Eckhart, Amber Heard, Giovanni Ribisi and Richard Jenkins this trailer certainly has me wanting more!


First poster art released of the upcoming pic MY WEEK WITH MARILYN starring Michelle Williams as the platinum siren and Kenneth Branagh as Arthur Miller. Also starring Emma Watson, Dominic Cooper, Dame Judi Dench and Eddie Redmayne. I think I like the first one better.

THE WOLVERINE - Hugh Jackman, Ken Watanabe & Naturi Naughton

Here's one film that's really struggling to get off the ground!

Darren Aronofsky signed on to direct with shooting commencing in March this year and then pulled out shortly before shooting was to commence. I was slightly crushed then because a) I love Darren Aronofsky and b) I really want to see this movie! Anyway good old Hugh promised us THE WOLVERINE would be in front of cameras by October and that's only 2 months away. Unfortunately they have hit yet another snag - location. Most of the script takes place in Japan and so most of the filming was set to be done on location in Japan. The giant earthquake and all the issues post-earthquake have really complicated things with Fox looking to pull out of Japan entirely and rely on sets and CGI to make up for the lack of location footage.

On top of all that it's looking less and less likely that filming will begin in October to allow Hugh to film LES MISERABLE. Very sad face indeed. Although I do want to see this version of LES MIS.

All you die-hard X-Men and Wolverine fans needn't worry though! The delay is really not going to have any major effect on whether the project goes ahead! 1) it's already green-lit and 2) X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE grossed nearly $400million US worldwide and Fox really want to cash in on that with a sequel! Filming might not start until early next year.

Saturday 27 August 2011

IN TIME - trailer

American Summer/Blockbuster Season is coming to a close and now is the time that the slightly more obscure, more interesting films come out of the shadows and onto the screen and man am I excited!!

IN TIME looks thrilling and exciting and the sci-fi element is not so weird that it turns me off wanting to watch it. Justin Timberlake is growing on me as an actor although I'm still not 100% convinced, and there are plenty of other familiar faces both well-known and up-and-coming to leave me wanting more.

It's sometime in the future and time has replaced money as currency. No one lives past 25 and working hard buys you more time. Super interesting concept and a little scary to think about. Set to hit screens in Australia on October 27 and I can't wait. Trailer rates 4 out of 5 with me. Hopefully the film lives up to it!

CLOUD ATLAS - Jim Sturgess, Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugo Weaving & more

OMG!! You know how I love a good book adaptation and think that there should be more of these instead of crappy remakes (stupid Kenny Ortega!) and this is promising to be yet another good one!

Already boasting a stand out cast including Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Susan Sarandon and Hugo Weaving (go team OZ), one of my fave boys has been confirmed for a role in this adaptaion of David Mitchell's novel CLOUD ATLAS. YES!!!

This adaptation has a modest budget so it's surprising to see so many big names attached, they must seriously believe in this picture which is always a good sign for the viewer! The Wachowski siblings (who brought us THE MATRIX) and German filmmaker Tom Tykwer (RUN LOLA RUN) have co-written and will be co-directing this film set to be shot in Germany's Studio Babelsberg. Word on the street is that each actor will play a variety of characters in each of the six worlds of the story and id that's not excitement enough here's what Jim Sturgess had to say about it to The Playlist:

"[All the actors] play a few characters, it’s very clever what [the directors are] gonna try and do. I’m really really really excited about it. I think it’s going to be bonkers, it’s either going to work or it’s not. I’m really excited to see if we can pull it off, because it’s ambitious what they want to do. And it’s nice, you feel like no one’s ever done that in a film before, it’s like rep theater on a sort of giant movie scale.”

I've not read the book yet, but I will be rushing out tomorrow to grab myself a copy and add it to the pile of books on my bedside table that I have to read before the film comes out (including WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN). The story apparently follows six plot threads across time including a bisexual musician in the 30s, a clone in a futuristic dystopia and a female journalist in a thriller in 1970s California.

I will let you know how I go with the book, but what I've read of the plot so far and the cast that's attached to this project I am very excited!!


What an interesting premise. An alien movie set in the past rather than the present or the future, sadly the trailer did not instill in me the excitement that it seemed to in many others. I did give it the benefit of the doubt and take the time to watch it with some friends last night and whilst it wasn't a complete waste of time I could very well have gone my whole life having never watched it and be ok.

A stranger turns up in the desert with some weird thing on his wrist, immediately pisses off the wealthiest man in town (Harrison Ford), gets the attention of the gorgeous girl (Olivia Wilde), turns out to be a wanted criminal and then just as they're about to ship him off to Santa Fe, aliens turn up and he blows them up with his weird wrist gun/blaster/thing. The rest of the movie is pretty much just follows them through the desert to find the aliens and try get their abducted people back. I won't tell you anything else because there is one or two interesting twists involved and you might have an interest in seeing it and I don't want to be the spoiler!

When you hear the title COWBOYS AND ALIENS you might think spoof comedy, however this film is far from a spoof comedy. It's a dark and serious action story with a bit of camaraderie and love thrown in. Daniel Craig does a fairly decent job of pulling off a pair of chaps, but his silent, broody, memory-less character did nothing for me, Olivia Wilde was just in there to put a beautiful woman in the mix and I'm pretty sure the grumpy old man character was not that much of a stretch for Harrison Ford.

The CGI wasn't that good, the big action scene was poorly done, the script was so tacky and full of cliches and the story itself had a lot of promise, but didn't really make it. That being said it wasn't completely unwatchable and whilst we did all think it was a pretty rubbish film none of us walked out. It was an easy film to watch and despite its many flaws was entertaining (even if it was out of sheer ridiculousness, which I'm sure was not the intention).

As far as a graphic novel/comic book adaptation goes COWBOYS AND ALIENS is not the blockbuster that it tries so hard to be. 2 out of 5.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Cinema Lorosa'e Grand Opening

Cinema Lorosa'e opens for its first season in August 2011, providing for portability, affordability, large crowds and is well suite to balmy Timor evenings. Making the most of Timor-Leste's great public spaces, Cinema Lorosa'e will also enable local traders the opportunity to set up their stalls and to share their wares with cinema crowds.

Cinema Lorosa'e opens tomorrow evening for its first show of the season and I wish them the best of luck with this venture!

For more information visit their website or check them out on Facebook.



DRIFT - Sam Worthington, Myles Pollard & Xavier Samuel

I love a good surf movie, especially one that is set on our beautiful coast line! Release date is sometime in 2012 and the film has an estimate budget of AUD 10 million which is not bad for an Australian release. WA residents should keep their eyes peeled over the next couple of months as you might catch a glimpse of the boys wandering around during the shooting of this pic.

The film is being shot in the south-west of WA and will be through a couple of home-grown hotties into the action. Sam Worthington, Xavier Samuel (THE LOVED ONES, TWILIGHT ECLIPSE) and Myles Pollard (WOLVERINE, McLEOD'S DAUGHTERS). Worthingon plays a travelling surf photographer and Samuel and Pollard play the Kelly brothers.

The film is inspired by the true story of Australia's legendary surf communities and the rise of global surf brands at the time. It follows the surf-obsessed Kelly brothers who, out of necessity, launch a backyard surf business selling out of their van, which eventually sees the creation of a hit global brand.

DRIFT will be co-directed by Morgan O'Neill (SOLO, upcoming feature THE FACTORY) and Ben Nott in his feature film debut. The film will also star Lesley-Ann Brandt (SPARTACUS: GODS OF THE ARENA< CSI: NY) and Robyn Malcolm (OUTRAGEOUS FORTUNE).

DRIFT will be distributed in Australia by Hopscotch Films/Entertainment One and is slated for release sometime in 2012. I will definitely be keeping this on the watch list and will let you know more as it becomes available.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Star Gazing

Carey Mulligan
Alright Sydney-siders keep your eyes peeled over the next four months and you might just catch a glimpse of the following stars...

Leonardo Dicaprio

Isla Fisher
Tobey Maguire
Joel Edgerton

These guys will all be in town filming THE GREAT GATSBY with Baz Lurhmann at the helm. Good cast...wonder what the film will be like...Hopefully not a 5 million hour epic like his last "masterpiece"!!

Monday 22 August 2011

THE GUARD - Review

The OFLC gave this film an MA15+ rating with the following consumer advice "strong coarse language and violence". Well, strong coarse language is a slight understatement...This is not the film for you if you're easily offended by expletives. Also, if you're not good with understanding the Irish then don't bother! Half the film will sound like gibberish to you and you'll be that annoying person that is always asking "what did he say?", or "did you understand that?" and trust me you don't want to be that person! That person nearly got a smack in the head from me just now and there are people who unlike me wouldn't hold back!

THE GUARD stars Brendan Gleeson as Sgt. Gerry Boyle, who for a drug taking, whoring sass-mouthing police officer is actually the least corrupt cop in Western Ireland. Who knew?! He lives quite a happy life and the last thing he wants is an FBI agent investigating a serious drug shipment coming in off the coast of his quiet little town. Unfortunately for him that's exactly what he gets.

Now there's not much to the story (and unlike other reviewers I'm not going to tell you anymore than what I've said above), it's fairly predictable and there was no major twist at the end, although it would have been good to have one. Fortunately for this film it has a cracking cast and even if it didn't Brendan Gleeson's performance would be enough to have me raving about it and demanding you all go and see it when it opens on Thursday.

Gleeson and Cheadle have some excellent chemistry on screen and the hilarity of their banter had the whole audience laughing out loud. One of my favourite lines was "I can't tell if you're really motherfucking dumb or really motherfucking smart". And it's true, some of the things Boyle says are really dumb, but there's something about him that is pretty clued in. Mark Strong is also worth writing home about, he always plays a fantastic villain and doesn't let you down in this one. A dear friend is a Mark Strong lover and I'll be telling her it's definitely worth checking him out even if he is only on screen for a total of around 20 minutes tops.

Written and directed by John Michael McDonagh brother of IN BRUGES writer/director Martin McDonagh and you can definitely tell. If you didn't know any better you'd assume it was by the same guy, but that's not a bad thing...IN BRUGES was fantastic.

If you enjoyed IN BRUGES, SNATCH and the like you should enjoy this. Hitting Australian cinemas Thursday the 25th of August 3.5 out of 5.

Thursday 18 August 2011

HYSTERIA Trailer - Maggie Gyllenhaal, Felicity Jones, Hugh Dancy & Rupert Everett

A hilarious comedy about the invention of the vibrator! It's been touring the festival circuit this year with 2012 expected release dates.

Refund Please!!

Don't like the movie you just saw? Well hopefully you run into the leading actor tell him you don't like it and get your money back...sounds unrealistic I know, but it's a true story!

Tom Hanks was just pumping gas minding his own business when an excited couple stopped to talk to him. The couple mentioned they had recently seen LARRY CROWNE (which Tom co-wrote, directed and starred in) and Tom asked them what they thought...Rookie error Tom. Rookie error.

They let him know they have come to expect more from their favourite star with the husband quoted as saying "it wasn't that good." Ouch. Although I've only seen the trailer and I could have told that couple before they went to see it that it wasn't going to be that good!

Tom was quoted by the National Enquirer as saying "Gee, I'm sorry you were disappointed, how about letting me refund your ticket money?" Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out $25 which wouldn't cover two ticket here, but adequately covers it based on US prices. Apparently the wife wasn't too keen on taking the money, but the hubby sure was! Lucky Tom is one of the top earning actors around at the moment!

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Casting Call

So now there's speculation as to who's going to play the leads in the DD remake and I thought I might share with you the names that are being bandied about...

Justin Timberlake is said to be a front runner, with Chris Hemsworth and Zac Efron a close second and third, sadly I don't think any of those candidates has what it takes to fill Patrick Swayze's shoes! The only name on rotation at the moment for the role of Baby is none other than GLEE starlet Lea Michele...surely she's not the only choice?!?!

Star Gazing

One of the best parts of my job is getting to attend red carpet premieres...

I got to say a quick hello to those guys at the HORRIBLE BOSSES premiere on Sunday night. Not a bad way to end the weekend if you ask me!

Opening August 25, and if you enjoyed the original HANGOVER and BRIDESMAIDS get along and check this one out!

Thursday 11 August 2011

From bad to worse...

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse Jennifer Grey (who was the original Baby Houseman) has through her publicist said "I'm so excited about this news and I think there's nobody better than my beloved Kenny Ortega who is as responsible as anyone for the success of the first one. I can't wait to see what he's going to do with it."

Are you for serious Jennifer? I am so upset by this...I thought she would be a voice of reason but no...Well I don't care what you say Jennifer. I'm still not convinced.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

DRIVE - Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan & Oscar Isaac

This film won best director at Cannes, and was the closing night film at the Melbourne International Film Festival (which sadly sold out before I could get tickets) and looks to be amazing!

Releasing in Australia October 27.


So I've just been checking online for interesting news and came across the most awful piece of information that is sure to horrify you as much as it did me!

Some genius in the film industry has decided that it would be a great idea to do a remake of the 1987 film DIRTY DANCING bringing in the original choreographer Kenny Ortega to direct. I'm sorry, but WHAT THE F*&% ARE YOU THINKING?!?!?

I have been watching this film since I was 2 years old and it is my absolute favourite. It's the film that I put on when I'm home sick, or spending a rainy day in bed or just being a lazy bum and I don't have anything new to watch. I've gone through 1 beta tape, 3 VHS and am onto my second DVD copy of this film just to give you an indication of how much I actually watch it.

Granted Kenny Ortega remade HAIRSPRAY and did it well, but that film was not particularly well known to mainstream audiences, and the remake certainly opened the eyes of many many people to this story. Then  he was originally set to direct the remake FOOTLOOSE which no one is too pleased about and if you have watched the original film and see the new trailer you'll realise it's just going to be a shitter version of the same film. Thankfully he pulled out of that giant cluster$%*@. Now he's got his filthy mitts all over my childhood obsession film!!! Someone get this guy a new idea!!

I'm going to let you contemplate this juicy piece of information while I go and punch a wall and then have a lie down. 3 words - UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE!!

The information below comes from the Lionsgate publicity department...

SANTA MONICA, CA (August 08, 2011) - LIONSGATE® (NYSE: LGF), a leading global entertainment company, is set to produce DIRTY DANCING, based on the classic 1987 film of the same name, it was announced today by Joe Drake, co-COO of Lionsgate and President of the Motion Picture Group. The original film’s choreographer Kenny Ortega (HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL, Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT), will direct. Debra Martin Chase (THE PRINCESS DIARIES, THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS) and Kenny Ortega are producing. The studio is in talks with Eleanor Bergstein, the writer and co-producer of the original film, regarding her involvement in the new film in a producing capacity. Alli Shearmur, President of Motion Picture Development and Production, is overseeing the project on behalf of Lionsgate.

The new film is a celebration of one of the most beloved movies of all time. Paying tribute to the emotional excitement of first love, the thrills and complexity of sexual awakening, the soul stirring power of dance, and the classic tale of teenage Baby’s forbidden romance with Johnny Castle, the remake will incorporate classic songs from the 1960s, hits from the original film and brand new compositions.

“Amazingly it has been almost 25 years since the original film was released, but the fans remain legion, and engaged more than ever with a brand that is special and vital to them. We believe that the timing couldn’t be better to modernize this story on the big screen, and we are proud to have Kenny Ortega at the helm,” said Drake.
Said Ortega of the project, “The opportunity to direct DIRTY DANCING is like returning home for me. Growing up in the 60s on the dance floor helped define me as a person and as an artist. I am looking forward to assembling a great creative team and an exciting cast to bring DIRTY DANCING to the screen for a new generation. Patrick Swayze set the bar for men dancing in the movies as Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire did before him. I believe everywhere you look there is evidence that the talent is out there and I can’t wait to begin the process of discovering the next breakout triple-threats.”
He continues, “I want to thank writer/producer Eleanor Bergstein for originally choosing me to choreograph DIRTY DANCING and for her continuous support. I’m thrilled to once again be working with my friend and producing partner Debra Martin Chase. My deep appreciation to Alli Shearmur, Joe Drake, and everyone at Lionsgate for their enthusiasm to make the film and for their confidence in me to helm the project.”

"This remake of DIRTY DANCING presents an exciting opportunity to both celebrate what has made this movie so beloved and refresh and enhance it so that new audiences can claim it as their own,” said producer Chase. “I am thrilled to be working with Kenny Ortega again and with the dynamic creative team at Lionsgate."

Filmmaker deals were negotiated by Senior Exec VP of Lionsgate’s Motion Picture Group Rob McEntegart, with attorney Steve Warren on behalf of Ortega, and Michael Gendler on behalf of Chase. Ortega is represented by Paradigm and McDonald/Selznick Associates.

And here's the email address to register your shock.... 
Lionsgate – Film Division

Kate Hubin Piliero

Thursday 4 August 2011

ARRIETY - Studio Ghibli

I love me some Studio Ghibli (the Ghibli museum was one of my favourite places to visit when I was living in Tokyo) so I am pretty excited about this new edition! ARRIETY or ARRIETY THE BORROWER is a Japanese version of a beloved childhood book The Borrowers (remember that one?) and has all the charm and gorgeous animation of past Ghibli releases.

2011 release dates for the UK and 2012 release dates for the States. Nothing for us yet sadly, but I am going to get in touch with Madman Studios who look after the Ghibli releases in Australia and see if there's any word on this one.

The voice over for this trailer is pretty annoying, but it's one of the better versions of the trailer out there at the moment.


What a great entrance to the panel for THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN by Andrew Garfield!

SNOW WHITE & THE HUNTSMAN - Chris Hemsworth, Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart & Sam Claflin

You all know how I love Disney films, but I'm pretty sure this isn't going to be one for the kids! First promo images for this film and I'm thinking Charlize Theron looks the part of the evil Queen! Can't wait for some more info on this one!

THE IDES OF MARCH - George Clooney, Ryan Gosling & Marisa Tomei

Trailer for this looks fantastic and what an amazing cast! Releasing in the States on the 7th of October. No confirmed release date for Australian audiences, but I will definitely keep you up to date on this one!