Friday 24 February 2012


Not quite a rom-com, not quite an action, this mish-mashed genre film does quite work in my opinion.

Two CIA special agents - partners and best friends - meet and fall for the same girl. Then it becomes all-out special agent warfare to win the girls affections. Who will she choose? I didn't really care to be honest, I was just bored by the end of it.

Predictable and sloppy, the story-line was a little too far-fetched in a story that was trying to be honest. Would the CIA really let two men who are suspended to desk duties utilise all their resources when they have a major case to solve? Would the girl really not notice that the man she's on a date with blows up a surveillance plane that's following them? Really? I'm not normally a skeptic, but I did find it hard to get into the vibe of this film.

That was not helped by the fact that Tom Hardy and Chris Pine, shared more chemistry between them than either of them shared with Reese Witherspoon. I believed more in their bromance than in their pursuit of Reese and I was so relieved when they went back to being friends.

I give THIS MEANS WAR 2/5. I can't even pass it off as a piece of enjoyable fluff.

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