Friday 24 February 2012

Releasing This Week

Trailers for the films that opened yesterday...nothing I'd rush out and waste my weekend on!

EXTREMELY LOUD & INCREDIBLY CLOSE - Might as well be titled Extremely Loud & Incredibly Annoying, as by most reviewers accounts that's what the main character is! I don't have a lot of interest in this film, it's over 2 hours long, and the trailer doesn't entice me to want to spend over 2 hours watching it.

KILLER ELITE - Everything with Jason Statham is same-same these days, and whilst I don't think there will be much involved in the story, as a bang-bang, action I think it might be ok. Again, not sure it's worth 2 hours of my time this weekend.

CONTRABAND - Looks ok, the story seems like it might have a bit more substance than KILLER ELITE with the added bonus of Marky Mark Whalberg.

GONE - A suspense thriller with quite an interesting premise...The only thing the trailer doesn't give away was whether she's crazy or whether the serial killer exists which is a shame, but it does look like it could be exciting to watch.

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