Tuesday 10 January 2012

Trailer Watch

PREMIUM RUSH - Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon, Jamie Chung

Combining two things that I love - Joseph and bike riding. Normally I'm into Le Tour style riding, however this looks exciting enough to keep even those bike hating fellows entertained. No Australian release date as yet. 

THE FIVE YEAR ENGAGEMENT - Jason Segel & Emily Blunt

I love me a bit of Jason, and I'm quite fond of the lovely Miss Blunt as well. This rom-com starts off where most end - the engagement - and follows this charming couple down their long road to the alter. Set for a mid-March release in Australia. 

LIKE CRAZY - Felicity Jones, Anton Yelchin & Jennifer Lawrence

I saw this film late last year and it made me wish I could fall in love for the first time again. It was incredibly raw and I almost felt like I was intruding where I really shouldn't. A mid-year release for this title, but it's bound to be a small art-house release, so keep an eye out at your local independent for this one. 

BEL AMI - Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman, Kristin Scott-Thomas, Christina Ricci

That TWILIGHT guy...fortunately for him the rest of the cast is superb, and the trailer even gives the indication that he might be able to act. I saw an inkling of talent in WATER FOR ELEPHANTS, so maybe now that the god-awful vampire trash movies are almost over we might get to see a side of R-Patz that you wouldn't believe existed. The premise and supporting cast are enough to have me intrigued. 

SAFE HOUSE - Ryan Reynolds, Denzel Washington & Brendan Gleeson

A CIA action/thriller/suspense/drama thing. It looks alright, there are some pretty decent special effects and some good chase and fight scenes by the looks of the trailer. Releasing nationally February 9. 

THINK LIKE A MAN - Turtle from Entourage, that rapper that beat Rhianna and some other people I don't know/care about. 

I'm only posting this because Turtle from Entourage is in it. I think it looks awful and my money is on it being a straight to DVD release in Australia, but Turtle is in it and I liked Turtle. 

That wraps up this particular trailer watch. I've got some more to come - good and bad but mostly entertaining. 

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