Sunday 13 November 2011

TIN TIN - Trailer

Opening Boxing Day this year, THE ADVENTURES OF TIN TIN is based on Herge's comics of the same name.

I watched the animated series when I was a kid and I'm sure there are plenty of other people who were the same, so I am interested to see how it pans out and whether it lives up to my rememberings.

So far I am not convinved on the animation, it looks way to CGI for my liking. Almost like they're trying to make it look as though the cartoon is actually real life or something. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but there's just something not quite right about it in my opinion. The opening title sequence, which I was lucky enough to get a sneak peak at a couple of weeks ago, is really good though and has the same feel that I remember from the old series.

As for the rest of the film...well I'm going to a sneaky premiere tomorrow night, so I'll let you know! Until then, here's the trailer;

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