Friday 15 July 2011

All things Potter

So if you're one of the few who have yet to see the final installment in the Harry Potter series then you better get cracking before someone ruins it for you!

I'm not a fan of the 3D fad, however I was granted an opportunity to get a sneak peak at the film and that meant having to sit through it in 3D. Biased as I may be, as far as 3D films go this one was done quite well. There was not a huge amount of things jumping out of the screen at you, however the depth created by the 3D was quite amazing. It still gave me a headache as 3D always does and if you're not a 3D fan then I would recommend the 2D version because you won't miss out on anything.

I am always a little disappointed by the films as I have read all the books multiple times as I'm sure most of you have and the same can be said for this film. However, HP AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 is one of the better films. I think that David Yates has done a fantastic job of directing this and you really can tell how much these kids have grown up over the last 10 years. They have all really developed their skills as actors since they started all those years ago and I think this made a massive difference. The Sun Theatre ran a mega marathon of all 7 films before the release of the new film at midnight and one of the most noted comments was how much better they got as each film went on.

Overall not a bad film and the general public and mad Potter fans seem to be eating it up!

3.5 out of 5

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