Monday 27 June 2011

Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz Secretly Wed

The secret is out!

After a short and fairly secretive courtship the pair have pulled off the impossible at their secret wedding last Wednesday. 

Just four people attended including 2 friends, Daniel's daughter and Rachel's son. 

These newlyweds play husband and wife in upcoming film DREAM HOUSE. 

A DANGEROUS METHOD - Viggo Mortensen, Keira Knightley and Michael Fassbender

So this looks very looks at how the relationship between Freud and Jung led to psychoanalysis.

I saw Michael Fassbender first in an episode of POIROT and pegged him as one to watch. Then came 300, ANGEL, a bunch of indie films, some more TV, INGLORIOUS BASTERDS and most recently X-MEN: FIRST CLASS. He has definitely proved my prediction right so far, and looks like he might keep going with a bunch more stuff in production stages!

This film looks to be quite intense from the trailer and seems as though it might have a bit of guts. Plus the subject matter intrigues me...I'm going to research some more to see how much if any is or is based on fact. 

It premiers at Venice Film Festival in September and touring some other film festivals for the remainder of the year. It's set to release in the UK in 2012, so we should see it hitting our screens mid-late next year. 

Thursday 23 June 2011

30 MINUTES OR LESS - Jess Eisenberg, Danny McBride & Nick Swardson

What is it with Hollywood and stupid as shit comedies at the moment? There are so many coming out I can't keep up with them. Not that I mind as long as they are actually funny (HORRIBLE BOSSES is a good example).

Here's hoping that this little treasure is as funny as the trailer makes out because it's got a good cast and a fairly decent seeming storyline...

No Marvel at Comic-Con

Well this is a surprise after last years huge introduction of THE AVENGERS cast. Marvel Studios will not be holding a panel presentation at Comic-Con 2011. They have said that they will have other things going on at the Marvel booth, and some other yet to be announced activities. I wonder if those other yet to be announce activities include any sneak footage of THE AVENGERS?!

Ryan Dunn - Drink Driving!

So the toxicology reports came back and Ryan Dunn's blood alcohol was around 0.196%. That's twice the legal limit. The crash reconstruction team also worked out that he was travelling at about 140mph which is super fast. 

Ryan Dunn will be missed by not only friends and family, but also his many fans. If there's something Ryan and the Jackass boys taught us that I hope will continue to resonate with many of the younger fans is that you shouldn't try this at home. 

RIP Ryan. 

Wednesday 22 June 2011

HORRBILE BOSSES - Charlie Day, Jason Bateman & Jason Sudeikis

So I went to a sneak peek of this film today...Loved it!! It might partially be because of my love for Charlie Day and Jason Bateman, however everyone else seemed to enjoy it too. In fact I'm going to make the call and say I liked it better than THE HANGOVER PART 2. That's right. I went there.

The story is about 3 guys who hate their jobs because of their bosses (we've all been there!) and decide that their lives would be better without their bosses in them. Permanently. I'm not going to say too much, but the film was splendidly cast, there are a number of fun movie references in there, and Charile Day is in it. What more could you want really?

Watch the trailer, see what you think. releases in Australia on the 25th of August.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

THE FAMILY TREE - Dermot Mulroney & Hope Davis

I couldn't find a youtube vid of this teaser trailer yet, but I do love a bit of Dermot Mulroney! Even if he doesn't look his best in this film!!

RIP Ryan Dunn

JACKASS star Ryan Dunn died in a car crash on Monday morning at around 3am.

"Today I lost my brother Ryan Dunn," Johnny Knoxville Tweeted. "My heart goes out to his family and his beloved Angie. RIP Ryan , I love you buddy." 

RIP Ryan. You made many people laugh and just as many people cringe!

THE HANGOVER lawsuit settles

Warner Bros. has settled the court case with the tattoo artist who was trying to sue them for copy the tattoo he had designed for Mike Tyson. No details as to what the settlement was, but I do know that they won't be digitally removing the tattoo from Ed Helms' face for the DVD/Blu-ray release as was previously discussed!

BAD TEACHER blooper reel

Language warning on this one!

Monday 20 June 2011

Goblin King Revealed

That's right folks! Australia's own Barry Humphries has been announced to play the goblin king in the upcoming Peter Jackson film THE HOBBIT. Pretty cool right?!

Also joining the cast is Evangeline Lilly from the HURT LOCKER and the TV series LOST. She will play a new character Tauriel the Woodland Elf. All I can say is she will not be a love interest for Legolas!

Sunday 19 June 2011

"spell it with your peas!"

Just watched EASY A again and it was still just as funny as when I saw it last year! Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson have an awesome chemistry! If you haven't watched it and want some good lighthearted comedy then go get it from the video store or buy it (but don't illegally download it) and kick back for some happy times!

Saturday 18 June 2011

TREE OF LIFE - Brad Pitt, Sean Penn & Jessica Chastain

Speaking of films from Cannes 2011, TREE OF LIFE was this years Palme d'Or. Now the trailer oesn't give much away, but it's had some good reviews. Word on the street is you'll need your thinking cap on to watch this, so be sure to pick a day when your brain is running at full capacity!

Very limited release in Australia hitting cinemas June 30. Sun Theatre will be screening it from the 21st of July for a limited run.

MELANCHOLIA - Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg & Kiefer Sutherland

Written and directed by Lars Von Trier (DANCER IN THE DARK & DOGVILLE) this film screened at Cannes earlier in the year and earned Kirsten Dunst the Cannes Award For Best Actress, 2011. No release date as yet for Australia, but it really does look amazing. 

THE BEST & THE BRIGHTEST - Neil Patrick Harris, Bonnie Somerville & Amy Sedaris

I'm not sure about this one, but I do love Neil Patrick Harris, so I'm willing to give it a go. It has some limited screenings in America through June and officially opens there at the end of the month I believe, and no release date for Australia yet, but will definitely be keeping my finger on the pulse with this one!

It's had some rave reviews, so I'm thinking perhaps the trailer doesn't quite do it justice...will just have to wait and see!

ONE DAY - Jim Sturgess & Anne Hathaway

Another amazing book that's been converted into a film. David Nicholls wrote this one and he's also written the screenplay so those of you who have read it can rest assured it won't be too far from the truth of the book.

Loving the casting of Jim Sturgess as Dex, but not yet convinced on Anne Hathaway as Emma...She doesn't quite seem to have the accent down, but she might change my mind once I see the film. Hitting screens September 1st as well.

THE HELP - Emma Stone, Viola Davis & Octavia Spencer


I read this book in under a week, which is not bad seeing as I only read at bed time! THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett has been converted into a screenplay by Tate Taylor (also the director) and has some inspired casting!

If you're looking for a great read I highly recommend it, especially if you like to read the book before seeing the film! THE HELP opens in Australia on September 1st.

THE LEDGE - Charlie Hunnam & Liv Tyler

I'm really looking forward to this! Charlie Hunnam has had a few silver screen roles, but is mostly known for his television spots including QUEER AS FOLK (UK) and SONS OF ANARCHY. He's starting to build a name for himself in Hollywood, and the camera definitely loves him!

It all starts now

This blog came into being because I was sick of my friends and family asking "have you seen this?", "was that any good?", "what should I go and see on the weekend?". I thought that if I blogged about all the movies I see, stuff about upcoming films and fun facts about celebrities and then they could all just read that and leave me to watch films in peace!

Everyone else seems to be blogging away to their hearts content and after spending many hours configuring this stupid thing (which will most likely change in the future because I'm still not that happy with it and I'm too technically challenged to figure out how to make it do what I want), I thought I would open with a couple of trailers for upcoming films that I'm looking forward to. No dates as yet, but I'll add them to the coming soon list as soon as I know.